My life began again on August 10th, 2016. There are no words for how lucky I am to be given such a meaningful day, and to be chosen to continue a life I was sure would end early.
I thought I had discovered magic the first time I ever drank alcohol. It quickly took away my shyness, my lack of confidence, and any shame I felt about being a poor kid in a rich county. Unfortunately, I was unaware of what alcohol and drugs would soon turn my life into. As I continued to use any substance I came across, my life spiraled and I found myself unable to stop.
By the time I was 15 years old, I was sitting in a juvenile detention center awaiting a bed in my first court ordered long term treatment. This would be my first of many attempts to stop using drugs and drinking alcohol. After leaving treatment and coming back home, I realized the problem was still there. This inability to stop drinking and using drugs brought on criminal charges, damaged relationships, and eventually I lost myself in it all. At age 24, and after more drug and alcohol induced torture, I found myself at The Healing Place in Louisville.
Since then, my life has turned into something I didn’t think possible. The Healing Place program introduced me to the 12 steps that helped solve my problem with substances, but that’s not all I received. I was taught accountability, life skills, and job skills. I was given a sense of purpose in society. Most importantly I was given hope.
At five years sober, I am freer than I have ever been. There’s no fear of being taken to jail. My family and friends enjoy being around me. I can show up to my job and be trusted. I’ve continued my education and am on the verge of obtaining a degree. I’ve again found magic, but not in the form of a drink. Now the magic is found in helping others find hope, just as someone helped me.