Working in recovery is difficult to say the least. The work is difficult, relationships are difficult, and there are never enough resources.
We find our community focusing on specific drugs as opposed to addiction which leads us to treatment philosophies and pharmacological interventions that don’t treat all the negative behaviors surrounding this disease. We have lost loved ones, friends and clients to this disease and sometimes it’s a struggle to keep forging ahead.
What keeps us all going at The Healing Place is the thousands of lives transformed by our program and clients’ decisions to become productive, contributing and sober citizens. There is nothing that compares to seeing the light of hope come on in someone who didn’t think change for them was possible. That is what keeps me coming back, knowing I will get to see that happen to one or more clients every day.
Since 1989, The Healing Place has been helping people find and keep recovery by utilizing three main components: community, education, and accountability. We pride ourselves on offering low barrier services because we want people to always feel welcome and know that they are accepted as they are. Opioids, alcohol, meth, spice, cocaine, or benzodiazepines have all had their spotlight in the media but we know that it’s not the drug that is the problem but the maladaptive coping mechanisms people with addiction have learned to use.
Despite the steep rise of opioids over the last several years, we have seen the continuing use of other substances in our men’s and women’s detox. In 2017, heroin remained the first drug of addiction followed by meth as a close second. The first half of 2018 has showed meth gaining on heroin but alcohol surging as well. Around The Healing Place, we often say around the drink or the drug is only a symptom, it is not the problem.
We will continue to educate our clients and the community on the disease of addiction which can include any mood or mind-altering substance and most importantly we teach clients to be accountable to themselves and others for their decisions.
People in addiction make decisions because of their addiction. People in recovery make decisions because of their recovery.